Full Program: 1:00pm-4:00pm • Course 12262 • $85
Keynote plus book: 1:00pm-2:15pm • Course 12263 • $60
Keynote: 1:00pm-2:15pm • Course 12264 • $45
Breakout Session and Reception: 2:30pm-4:00pm • Course 12265 • $45
In celebration of its 85th year of continuing education programming, SAS is hosting an afternoon of learning for the greater community. Doors open at 12:30pm.
Full program enrollees will receive a signed copy of King: A Life (2023) by keynote speaker Jonathan Eig. Additional signed copies will be available for purchase at the event.
Gently used coats and books for any age group will be accepted for donation to other local nonprofits.
Our celebration begins with keynote speaker, Jonathan Eig, in conversation with Lori Rotskoff from 1:00pm to 2:15pm. The celebration continues with three concurrent lectures from 2:30pm to 3:30pm from notable SAS instructors Nicholas Birns (Breakout Session One), Francis Morrone (Breakout Session Two), and Tey Meadow (Breakout Session Three). The day concludes with a Champagne Reception and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony from 3:30pm to 4:00pm.
Schedule of Events
1:00pm-2:15pm – Keynote: Jonathan Eig, King: A Life (2023)
Eig's latest New York Times bestseller, King: A Life, was long-listed for the 2023 National Book Award. Vividly written and exhaustively researched, the book is an intimate portrait of Martin Luther King, Jr., the courageous and often troubled preacher who demanded peaceful protest for his movement but was rarely at peace with himself. The acclaimed author will appear in conversation with Lori Rotskoff, cultural historian and moderator of many SAS book discussions. Informed by insatiable curiosity and formidable storytelling gifts, Eig will illuminate how he uncovered revelatory information about MLK and his complex relationships with the FBI, his wife and children, and fellow activists, as well as broader lessons learned while researching previous subjects, including Lou Gehrig, Muhammad Ali, and the visionary inventors of the birth control pill. He will also speak about upcoming theatrical, TV and film adaptations; Universal Studios has optioned the rights to King: A Life for a film by executive producer Steven Spielberg and producer/director Chris Rock. Time will be reserved for Q&A.

2:30pm-3:30pm – Breakout Session One: American Protest Music in Literary and Cultural Contexts
Political protests influenced the lyrics and literature at the time of Scarsdale Adult School’s founding. Learn about and listen to American protest music from the 1930s to 1950s, including the works of Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, and Billie Holiday. Contextualize the music scene within the broader currents in and problems of American literary culture.

2:30pm-3:30pm – Breakout Session Two: New York Art Scene Circa 1938
Eight-five years ago, émigré artists were fleeing Europe to settle in New York, the Federal Art Project sponsored by the Works Progress Administration (WPA) under the New Deal was underway, and new art museums and galleries were beginning to populate the city’s landscape. Explore the influence on the New York art scene of Fernand Léger, George Grosz, Pavel Tchelitchew, Hans Hofmann, and Salvador Dalí, and American artists Reginald Marsh, Edward Hopper, Jackson Pollock, Stuart Davis, and others. Step back in time to view scenes from and learn the origins of the now famous Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Downtown Gallery, the Julien Levy Gallery, and more. Vintage photographs illustrate the thoroughly researched narration of the city’s rich cultural history.

2:30pm-3:30pm – Breakout Session Three: Transgender Kids Today
Something about gender is changing. From courtrooms to classrooms, discussions about transgender children seem to be everywhere. Why do some children have strong gender identities that differ from what others expect? What is fueling the current controversy? What should trans children be able to do? What can they really know about themselves? Explore the current political moment and the families and children it impacts. Audience questions about trans youth and their lives will help guide the discussion.

3:30pm-4:00pm – Champagne Reception and Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Our celebration will end with a champagne reception and, of course, there will be cake! Raise a toast for the debut of a figurative SAS Hall of Fame to honor those whose efforts have contributed to SAS’s success and longevity. The inaugural inductees will be Alfred Hunt and Harriet Langsam Sobol. These two long standing teachers have been engaging students and developing a devoted following for years at SAS, with Hunt leading history and current events courses and Sobol organizing writing and book discussion classes. Jonathan Cobert, who provides the live entertainment in the popular Movement to Music classes, will be performing.