Using acrylic paint primarily and other media, explore abstract painting with marking, color, and composition. Learn about the history of abstract art and contemporary abstract painters for inspiration.
Since this is a short course I ask that you don’t buy too many materials but bring what you
already have at home.
For this course we will be working primarily in acrylics.
Acrylics lend themselves well to abstract work since they are very fast drying and enable
layering of many colors quickly.
We will also experiment with other materials such as watercolors and oil pastels
If you already have a small portable watercolor set, you can bring those to as well to class but
only if you have them. There is no need to buy especially. You can use mine.
Bring any brushes you have at home. Since acrylic paints vare ery harsh on brushes please
use inexpensive brushes for this course. Bring any brushes you have at home.
You can also use other things lying around at home to make marks such as sponges, combs,
squeegees, toothbrushes, even branches and leaves! If you can, collect and bring a small bag
of random objects to make marks.
I will send out a specific list of things to bring for Class 1 just prior to the first class.
Basic supply list:
PAPER For the first few lessons we will work experimentally on watercolor paper.
A pad of thick watercolor paper size 15 x 20” inches or larger (140lb in weight)
For example: Canson watercolor pad 12 sheets 15 x 20”
OR Blick Studio watercolor pad 15 sheets 18 x 24”
(Alternatively I can supply paper at $2 - $3 per sheet. You can bring cash or Venmo me after the
Later in the course we will paint on stretched canvas. I can supply that.
A limited color set of heavy bodied Acrylics (ie those that are squeezed from a tube, not bottle,
they go a lot further) such as Liquitex, Golden, M Graham or Windsor Newton
For example:
Winsor & Newton, Galeria Acrylic, 10x 60ml Tube Set
OR M. Graham Artists' Acrylics - Set of 5 colors, 59 ml tubes
If you already have acrylic paints, just bring those.
OR I can supply paint but again please bring a few dollars to contribute to the cost.
You will also need:
A disposable Palette paper pad - (I like the 12 x 16’ pad from Blick)
A range of whatever brushes you have
Plastic cup or other receptacle for water. .
Small palette knife: such as Liquitex small knife #14 for mixing larger quantities of paint
16 x 20 Hardboard Panel to clip canvas sheets to.
2 small bulldog clips (you may have these at home)
Roll of kitchen paper towels
HB Pencil or watercolor pencil (any color) for drawing.
Old plastic grocery bags to carry wet brushes home (bring one or two bags to each class with
brushes in it.)
Optional - a small table easel or travel floor easel. Not essential.
Ipad or smart phone if you have one. Advantageous, though not essential.