Before single Benedick and Beatrice can agree to marry, they have to overcome misperceptions and mistakes that upper-crust Messina society has circulated about them based on their past actions and words. Shakespeare scholar Marjorie Garber has dubbed this work “Shakespeare’s great play about gossip. Everything is overheard, misheard, or constructed on purpose for eavesdropping.” The social medium, the coin of the realm in this privileged society, is rumor, created and perpetuated by hearsay, disguise, half-truths, and lies. Sound familiar? Always a popular romantic comedy, Much Ado cast the mold for nineteenth century drawing-room comedies on stage and twentieth century screwball comedy movies ranging from Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn to Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. This course will focus equally on text and recent film and stage productions. Please use Folger Shakespeare Library's 2018 edition, editors Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine; online access to top-tier British productions will be provided.