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Watercolor Painting

ID : 13231   
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ClassGraphic Explore the medium of watercolor and take your paintings from ordinary to extraordinary. Various techniques and exercises in color, composition, drawing and value will help you develop your own personal style of painting. Critiques and class discussion are an important part of this class. Work from photos, still life and references. This class is intended for students who have some experience with the medium. Follow the link for the Materials List.

Class Details

6 Session(s)
Weekly - Tue

Girl Scout House

Hope Friedland 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
5/6/2025 - 6/10/2025 Weekly - Tue 12:15 PM - 02:45 PM Scarsdale, Girl Scout House   Map Hope Friedland 

Other Class Offerings

Watercolor Painting
ID: 13270

04/24/25 - 06/26/25
Weekly - Thu
9 sessions.

Girl Scout House

Maggie O'Keefe